Friday, February 19, 2010

Cramps In Early Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms Early Pregnancy Cramps - Is This Normal?

Early pregnancy cramps - is this normal? - cramps in early pregnancy more condition_symptoms

I'm) very early in my first pregnancy (less than 5 weeks from my LMP. I have 3 tests, indicates that all of the positives. Since a few days I have before the test, I had cramps, sometimes very painful, similar to menstrual cramps. I had a little bleeding very clear yesterday (only a few are pale pink) and also had back pain. I also have other symptoms of pregnancy swollen - tender breasts, frequent urination, and I am very excited! I went to my doctor today and told me it was too early for a debate - it should return if the bleeding worsens, or if the cramps were very painful. They are very uncomfortable but not serious and not as bad as they were a couple of days and I had no bleeding. Is this normal? Is there anything I should do? Should have checked my blood HCGor should I check it? I began to worry.


KrzyMom2 said...

Perhaps true, but it never hurts to give your OB a call when you call.

wendyad3 said...

I had this with all 3 of my pregnancy, nothing is wrong with either. Colic is common in pregnancy, beyond. Unless accompanied by new blood, there is nothing to fear.

Wizards N Dragons said...

Yes, that's normal.

lisaweid... said...

The situation could be the seed of the fertilized egg in the uterine lining, I had this spot on my third pregnancy. I also had bad period cramps at the beginning of my second pregnancy, which really worries me, because he had 2 previous miscarriages, but everything went well. I will continue to bother the doctor, if after 2 miscarriages, I was determined to adequately cared for, and I think he should, if you have pain and worried visit your doctor or clinic in early pregnancy assessment in the hospital. If I had this pain, she took my blood have to check my blood HCG still 2 days later taken to ensure that the hCG levels to a normal step increases for pregnancy, but I've also scanned in 6 weeks, then 9 weeks. I am hisRe where everything will be fine, but you deserve the best care, ask a lot of luck xx PS never a home in early pregnancy, as some suggest, this can cause a miscarriage, I read about it after 2 miscarriages? x

♥ JustAChick ♥ said...

Yes, cramping is normal. The bleeding is more likely that the establishment of pregnancy in the uterus. HCG at all levels have been tested? These should be checked by your OB / GYN. OB ultrasound devices typically have in their office so they can quickly check. I know you said he went to his doctor, but her gynecologist would be a better source of information for you.

Prabhakar G said...

Art of menstruation during pregnancy is - this normal?

Abdominal pain is usually not common during pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may have one or two episodes of light spotting, have bleeding, and what can be accompanied by slight pain, menstrual cramps. In addition, however, menstrual disorders during pregnancy are generally not considered normal and may indicate a problem.

It is important to remember that a reduction or persistent abdominal pain, never normal, whether or not pregnant. In addition, the pain is mild and unusually widespread. Many pregnant women, for example, a certain experience or other cramps after orgasm.

Abdominal pain during pregnaANCY can create a variety of causes. Sometimes these pains are like this type of menstrual pain. Gas and bloating, for instance, are very common during pregnancy. Constipation is a common cause of abdominal pain in pregnant women. A short, sharp pain may be caused on the one side of the abdomen or during the second quarter of ligament pain. This pain is caused when the ligaments that support the uterus begins to thicken and stretch to help the growing uterus.

The nature of menstrual disorders during pregnancy can be a sign for a variety of problems. When the spasm of bleeding, light or heavy in front, and if the rhythmic spasms, you may have or had suffered a miscarriage. This type of staining by cramps, followedIt can also be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. In any case, you should consult your health care provider, such as ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage of untreated contact can be very dangerous.

Later in pregnancy, this kind of pain a sign of a premature delivery or premature. This kind of cramps usually by a bloody discharge, pink, watery or mucous advance. If you have severe or prolonged menstrual like cramps during pregnancy, talk to your doctor immediately if there is any problem

liljess6... said...

Cramping is normal, and some people were bleeding. basically what the doctor said it was right. I know it does not suck in a position to do something for them, but that is to do a pregnancy. Good luck.

Joy S said...

Hello Jenw

OK cramps during pregnancy is very often that was too much.
It feels like a period pain, and can be very uncomfy and, in general, the stretching of the uterus growing baby will have a seat. Even stretching bands.

Tho, if you (a face of pain, shoulder pain and bleeding, not necessarily together) to the hospital because this may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy when the egg is then implanted false.
You can use 5 weeks, you wouldnt be the baby as she / he is too small, although the cocoon is there, and it is easy to see, as I scanned in 5 weeks .. one can say if he was in from there.
Tho concerns can hospitalized as a ruptured ectopic tubes.
Tho hope is only normalfor you.
Good luck hunni
(31 +5 pregnant)

Ella said...

This happened when I was 5 weeks pregnant. I went to the hospital, but could do nothing because my pregnancy too early to see, even in an internal review was prompted to go within two weeks.

I had cramps and bleeding, felt like my period. I was sure it was a miscarriage, I ask everyone, and even said it was as if I am a spontaneous abortion.

I told my mother, and she told me that he slept with his legs on pillows. He calmed down for a few days later, but my mother told me about blood clots with care - which in reality is not really a good sign. Anyway 2 weeks later I went to the hospital, and I looked away my baby's heart! I am now 10 weeks pregnant!

I really hope everything turns out to be positive! My bestWishes. xx

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